Capturing the Duma Elections on Video
2 min readJul 24, 2016

Last week, we teamed up with Reuters TIMA and organized an event to discuss live streaming and broadcast video!

Did you miss out? Check out the key points.

There are many video streaming tools out there today, but everyone seems to be talking about FacebookLive and Periscope (owned by Twitter). But how do you know which to use?

Artem Galustyan, a multimedia expert, broke down the two tools, highlighting their positive and negative qualities. Here are a few key points to ensure you choose the right tool:


  1. Best for breaking news as there is no recording limit
  2. Promotes your streaming post to your followers’ feed and can be found by those who stumble upon your hashtags

Facebook Live

  1. Better for planned events or scheduled games due to its 90 minute time limit and link to recorded video that can be shared outside of Facebook
  2. Best for promoting your live stream. Facebook currently promotes live posts with a notification to encourage use of the functionality

Warning on Periscope

Within Periscope’s terms of use, they forbid streaming personal information without permission. So if you are showing voting ballots, the information on the paper could be consider personal information.

For the full presentation in Russian, click here.



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